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Manor Farm

Home Reared


Why Choose Manor Farm Beef?

Grass Fed

The Belted Galloway is a hardy breed, known for its succulent, tender and tasty beef.

Home reared

When you buy our beef you will know it was born and raised here on the farm in the best of conditions.


We are High Health accredited as part of the CHeCS cattle HiHealth scheme.

grass fed

Our herd are raised on our biodiverse ancient meadows, enjoying a wonderful variety of grasses. 


Naturally weaned, our aim is to have our cattle grazing outside all year round in their established herd groups.

Our beef can be purchased as individual cuts or in one of our beef boxes. The boxes are filled with a selection of cuts, perfect for those who love great quality beef.


  • Large Box of mixed cuts (joints, steaks, mince, braising, stewing) 14 kg £140.00

  • Medium Box of mixed cuts (joints, steaks, mince, braising, stewing) 8kg £80.00

  • Individual joints, steaks and special cuts to order


(Free local delivery - using Eco friendly chilled packaging )

To order please email us with your requirements

07776 158552

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